Sunday, May 13, 2007

De-cluttering For Serenity

Games are fun. So, let’s play a game. A feelings game about getting organized once and for all. Come along with me. .We are going to start de-cluttering our home by shredding two boxes of paper first. The things I saved and don’t need. Why is this a feelings game? Because I will feel great when the clutter is gone one piece of clutter at a time. This way it’s not too overwhelming. Serenity and Peace of Mind are beginning to show a little.

Now that I have started with the biggest pile of clutter first, I now can introduce you to the next game. Pretend we are moving far away to another state such as Arizona or New Mexico to get away from the hurricanes here in Florida. Suppose we decide to sell the house and every thing in it minus a few things we can’t live with out for practical reasons as well as sentimental and be adventuresome. We couldn’t leave our two kitties and possibly one outdoor male. "This is not serenity" you cry. Well, yes it is. We don’t have to worry about moving lock, stock and barrel again like all of our other moves. We were exhausted. The last move from Tampa to Zephyrhills just about killed us.

This way we don’t have to hurry because we have another step to do before we really get looking for a home. That is to find out how much our home is worth today tn the growing bedroom community. Then we’ll know how much we have to work with. See...more Serenity. We also don’t have a time line to do all this yet until we get a home...maybe via the internet. One never knows..

Next we decide to auction our possessions, hold our own moving sale, or maybe sell the home furnished and get rid of the excess. We figure the winter months are is the most profitable for sales. Once that decision is made, more Serenity follows.
In this game of feelings I’m feeling pretty good right now. Things are moving along nicely.

Now comes the next part of the game. Looking for a new home." Oh no", you cry. That’s so much pressure. Well, yes if you do it yourself. If you have a good real estate broker working for you, It’s not hard at all once they know what it is you’re looking for. They do all the work. Yes, even as far away as Arizona or New Mexico.
It’s 6 months or a year down the road, and you want to stop the game and enjoy your new adventure. That can either mean having the means now to keep your home de-cluttered, or learning not to clutter your "new" home for at least another 5 years!

No, we are not moving at all. It was, after all, only a game. But now our home is de-cluttered and we can enjoy our home and it will be easier to manage now. Why is it we save so much stuff anyway? We can't take it with us to Heaven. Besides, we won't need it. God has a new home for us more beautiful than anything here on earth. How do I know? He told me so in his book, the Bible. We are told to not lay treasures here on this earth, but we do anyway. I guess that's part of being human.

The game I played was a good way to start to clean and de-clutter my home. It is a good motivator. Now that the clutter is gone I have found Freedom, beauty and peace. This is another form of Serenity I can enjoy. How about You. Are you next?


Anonymous said...


I found you

Anonymous said...

Iam trying this again
hope it works