Friday, June 1, 2007

Love Can Bring Peace To The Land and To Ourselves

I love this thought-- Love Can Bring Peace to The Land and To Ourselves.How can Love do that? Isn't love intangible? Well,yes and no.Can you put your hand out and touch love like a car or an apple? No,not really. But what about that special,warm feeling you and I get when we are with that special someone in our life? What is that emotion? When you and I reach out and touch each other what do we feel? I believe that feeling is love. It's hard to describe, but it's very tangible in out heart, soul and mind.

Now I want to look at 1 Corinthians 13:4 to 13 on love and see what the Bible is telling us about love, and how we should live with mankind. as well as in a relationship. I am going over what love is and is not because I will be traveling on Saturday (aka flying through the air and clouds) to Pa, to visit my family. I have nephew graduating from HS on Thursday, and I want to do what I can to be the best I can be for God. I want to watch my conduct so I can show my love to my family as well as others I may meet. Why, because I want to be proud of me and proud of how my Mom and Dad raised me. I can't thank them enough for the way they raised me. It was through the eyes of love.

1.Love is patient.Oops.How many times have I said an unkind word or became upset and impatient when things aren't going my way fast enough? What about the person in front of me that I think is driving to slowly? Do I mutter things to my self or do I send that person a blessing?

2. Love is not conceited, rude and does not act unbecomingly. Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is nor self-seeking: it is not touchy or fretful or resentful.WOW, thank God I don't carry resentments. I was taught not to be self-centered, jealous, arrogant, or insist on my way rather than God's way. However, I need to constantly work on these actons within me.

3.Love pays no attention to a wrong suffered. It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but REJOICES WHEN RIGHT AND TRUTH PREVAIL. See, that goes right back to my previous blog on honesty and integrity.

4. Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready believe the best of every person. Its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything without weakening.

5.Love never fails. What a wonderful affirmation to hang on to. I agree for me, Love never fails but people's action do at times.

I believe to start peace in this world we must start with ourselves. I need to remember to love my neighbor as myself. If I don't love myself first, how then can Ilove my neighbor. Kindness and love starts at home within each of us.

I feel I am now ready to take my trip to Pa. and enjoy my 2.5 hr. plane trip, and enjoy my family with pure love. Then when I return home, I must do the same for others around my home and in the community.

God has commanded me to love one another. I must let faith, hope and love abide in my heart forever and always I can show my true affection for God and mankind.As God also commanded, the greatest of these is LOVE.


Anonymous said...

yuo updated your blog
nice words

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog any more
to many complaints